• Documents are on the ENHANCE trial website:
• *CP stands for family/Care Partner
• *HS stands for HELP Staff
Each morning, a HELP staff member should ensure that all iPads are disinfected and fully charged. HELP staff should open the app to confirm that the Family Daily Survey is blank. If there is data present, press ‘Submit’. Then close, reopen, and confirm survey is blank.
Before the Family/Care Partner Arrives
Prepare iPad:
☐ Ensure iPad is charged
☐ Ensure iPad is connected to Wi-Fi and can open the E-HELP app
☐ Ensure iPad is disinfected
☐ Submit data if present on survey; then reset (close, reopen, and confirm survey is blank)
Get printed copies of:
☐ Consent documents (consent form, capacity, Copyright Agreement Form, E-HELP brochure)
☐ E-HELP HS Bedside Training (this document, for you as the trainer)
☐ “All About Me” poster with hanging materials, pen
Prepare the ENHANCE Goodie Bag with:
☐ E-HELP Guide for CP
☐ E-HELP Activities Tracking Sheet for CP
☐ Family Daily Survey Paper Version (as back-up)
Check with nursing on schedule for day and to determine restrictions on ROM, food, fluids
In-Person Training with Family/Care Partner (CP)
For the E-HELP PPT Training
☐ Have the E-HELP HS Training PowerPoint (PPT) open on your laptop & ready to use
☐ Sign in to REDCap and enter family/care partner name
☐ Confirm CP and patient have been consented
☐ Verify CP reviewed the E-HELP Copyright Agreement Form
☐ Walk through E-HELP Training PPT side-by-side with CP; help them follow on their iPad.
For the E-HELP Bedside Training
☐ Review E-HELP HS Bedside Training (this document)
☐ Review Family Daily Survey (including how to input responses using the iPad keyboard)
☐ Inform CP where to get and return the iPad.
☐ Show how to complete the “All About Me” poster
☐ Demonstrate bedside sound system and channel guide (for relaxing music).
☐ Review the E-HELP Activities Tracking Sheet for CP
☐ Review the E-HELP Guide for CP (trifold) and complete competency check
☐ Remind them that daily visits are important, and ask them who will come for tomorrow’s visit.
☐ Add name, contact, and approximate time on the E-HELP CP Visit Log.
☐ Remember: If multiple CP, they will each need to complete consent and training.
Post-Training Check-In with Family/Care Partner (CP)
Check in with the CP 1 – 1½ hours after the training (or ask them to call you when they completed the activities). Answer any questions and:
☐ Review all activities they completed
☐ Deliver the E-HELP Award
☐ Remind the CP to complete the Family Daily Survey after their session.
☐ Remind them about where to leave iPad and who to contact for questions.
☐ Confirm who will be visiting tomorrow and future days with approximate time.
☐ Add name(s), contact(s), and approximate time of visit to the E-HELP CP Visit Log.